Saturday, December 12, 2009

Welcome to the Awareness K-9 Foundation Blog Page...

Our Mission is to provide a safer more secure life with people suffering with Type 1 Brittle Diabetes and/or Epilepsy with the use of our Service Alert Dogs.
Here is Colby, my Service Alert Dog. My name is Marie and I have Type 1 Brittle Diabetes and also Epilepsy. I am the founder of the Awareness K-9 Foundation. The reason for starting the foundation was that not only did I need help, so did my husband. I have learned through my husband Jeff, that taking care of a person with my ailments can be extremely stressful for him, our families and loved ones. Service Alert Dogs are potential life savers. Colby alerts when my sugars are off, also if I'm about to have a seizure. These alerts can save my life.
Please visit our website for more information - and join our yahoo group Service Alert Dogs @